Train Talk: Ready to Ride


Train Talk: Ready to Ride

[vc_btn title=”Tell Us Why You’re #ReadyToRide” style=”custom” custom_background=”#bf2433″ custom_text=”#ffffff” align=”center” link=”|title:Tell%20Us%20Why%20You’re%20%23ReadyToRide||”]

Are you #ReadyToRide?

On this special Thursday episode of Train Talk, we chat with External Affairs Manager Yinka Robinson, who spearheads our #ReadytoRide campaign! Tune in for Yinka’s magnetic personality and stay for the magically appearing hat on Monty’s head.

To participate in the #ReadytoRide campaign, you can write a short paragraph or record a quick video to tell us why you’re #ReadyToRide! Everyone who uploads a testimonial will receive a Texas Central hat so you can show your support for this important project!

